Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Colton and I

Weldon says that I need to put up more pictures of Colton and me together so I picked out a few of my favorites that are most recent. In three of the pictures we are just smiling for the camera. The other is of Colton when he decided that he wanted to share some of my chocolate ice cream before we went swimming. He liked it very much and made a big sticky mess. He liked it so much that now if I ever want to eat some I have to wait until he goes to bed other wise he thinks that he aught to have it all!!!


  1. How cute! He is getting so big! Can't wait to come see you guys!

  2. Hi Randa,
    My name is Ashley. I was really good friends with Andrew and Weldon and their family. I found your blog on Jade Jones' blog. Your son is adorable and it was really neat to see how Weldon and his family are doing. I loved your pictures!

  3. Your blog looks so cute! I love these fun pictures you put up! Give Colton a kissy for me and we will see you on Thanksgiving!
