Sunday, May 2, 2010

Catching up

I know I have not posted in forever, sorry about that but with school and a busy little boy I haven’t had the time!! A lot has happened so I will just give the highlights.


A while ago Andrew and Jackie came to visit and we all went to the zoo. Weldon and I got to ride a camel. It was really weird, way different then a horse! Weldon had ridden one before in Indonesia, but it was a first for me! (Colton was too little to ride)


A Cute picture of the boys!


Colton in the sink at Auntie Cinda’s during spring break.

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Colton learning how to walk and standing in our little fort. He is so funny when he walks because he thinks he needs his arm straight up in the air, he makes me laugh and you can tell he is just so proud of himself!

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