Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The best of Friends

Colton and Kaci are so sweet and silly and are great buddies. I love being able to be a stay at home mom and see and hear everything they do, it is certainly entertaining! Kaci loves to hold Colton’s hand if they are out walking around. I find this funny because it is a tooth and nail fight just to get her to hold my hand if we are crossing the road but I guess that is because I am not as fun as Colton. He is really good about humoring her and holding her hand when ever she wants him too, in fact he does pretty  much what ever she asks him to, including pushing a chair over so he can get into my cupboards and get down marshmallows and brown sugar because she wants some. He is the one who makes the messes, but I am pretty sure that most of the time it is her idea.

They are both so sweet to each other and to Weldon and myself that it makes my heart melt and I am so glad that they are mine. Kaci is into kissing owwies and sometimes this includes things like moles and little scratches. She says “Owwie Mama!? Here, lets kiss it!” Then she gives the sweetest kisses, I just love them. Colton is very tender hearted and is always aware of other peoples feelings. Kaci had to get shots the other day and he was so worried about her and if she was ok, he kept telling her “It’s ok the doctor will fix it!” He has the upmost faith in doctors and if any one is hurt or not feeling well he says “Oh go to the doctor?” I think this probably comes from when Kaci broke her arm and we talked a lot about how the doctor would make it better to help Kaci not be so afraid. At my most recent Dr. appointment I had to get the flu shot and it was the day after Kaci got all of her shots so Colton knew what was going on when the CNA  came in with the needle. He was so cute because he held my hand while I got the shot and kept telling me, “Its ok Mama, you’ll be alright” Another thing that he does is want to take care of every one, if Kaci is hungry and he doesn’t think that I am responding fast enough he will get something for her himself, or if I yawn and say I am tired he says “oh go to bed Mama?'” and then take my hand and lead me to my bed and try to get me to lay down. He is very sweet.

We decided to go ahead and start working with Kaci on potty training, nothing hard core, just letting her get the idea and hopefully gradually get it done. She loves it, mostly because she gets to run around with out her diaper on. She knows that she will get some marshmallows if she pees in the potty and she is pretty smart she will run and sit on the little potty for a few seconds and then hop up and say “ok all done, marshmallows!” when she hasn’t even gone. So far she is doing pretty good but we have had a few messes, its ok though, its just part of learning. One of the funniest things about her recently is that she loves being naked. If you try to get her dressed she will say “no, pee!” and run and sit on the toilet just to keep from getting dressed. She has also been taking all of her clothes, including diaper off every night after we lay her down for bed, so every morning I go in to get her up and she is naked as a jay bird with her pajamas and diaper thrown out of her bed on the floor. Luckily she stays dry during the night so this isn't a huge problem, I just worry about her getting cold. She is a lot of fun and every day her silly little personality shines through more and more, I love it!

Colton made me laugh the other day because he wanted to go bowling (we took him several months ago and he had a blast) and he kept asking if we could go. I told him no not right now and he asked why so I said that it cost too much money. He said oh, and and ran off and I thought he had forgotten about it because I could hear him getting into something in the kitchen. A few seconds later he comes running back in with two pennies that he had gotten out of my purse and said “ok, here’s some moneys, now go bowling?” I laughed and said that it wasn’t quite enough money, to which he replied “yes huh, its lots of moneys, its two moneys!” I wish life were really as simple as it seems to a child!

Here are some pictures of the kids being cute!


Colton and Kaci ‘hiding’ in the cupboard eating dry mini-wheats while I made breakfast.


Oops I caught them!! I don’t think they knew that I could see their feet and knew where they were.


They were coloring when Daddy came home and got a little creative!

I love these two and I am so excited to have another little one in the family who will only make it more fun and crazy around here. I know that Colton and Kaci will be so good with the new baby and that they will be so excited. They both talk about the baby in Mama’s tummy, but I don’t know if they really understand it that much. At my last appointment the Dr. asked Colton if the baby was getting squished in there and Colton said “No, he likes it!!” It will be fun to see what this baby boy looks like and it will be fun to watch Colton and Kaci with their new baby brother!

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