This is a picture of Weldon and the kids on Fathers Day. Weldon is such a great daddy for these little people. He is so much fun and he is so patient and loving with them. One of the things that I love is that he is always willing to get down and play with them and tell them that he loves them and make them feel special. I am so blessed to have such a good husband who loves us and takes care of us.
The kids love making and decorating sugar cookies!
Preston loved licking the frosting spoon
Weldon got a belly boat and this is a bass that he caught
Colton had swim lessons this summer and at first I was really worried about him because he wouldn’t put his face in the water and if he even got splashed a little he would freak out so I wasn’t really sure how he would do. The first day we went he didn’t get his head wet at all and so when the lesson was done I asked him why he wouldn’t put his head under water. He said “Because Mom, I just can’t breath under water” That sounded like a pretty good reason to me so when I realized that that was the problem I explained to him that he just needed to hold his breath under water. When Weldon got home from work we filled up the sink and showed Colton how to hold his breath under water. The next day in swim lessons he put his head under and everything! He loved swim lessons and now he is like a little fish anytime he gets near water, even in the bath tub! He is helping Kaci learn how to get her head wet too. It is cute to hear him explain to her about holding her breath and stuff, he is really patient and she is surprisingly trusting of him and does much better with his instructions then she does with ours. The whole experience taught me that sometimes I need to take a few minutes and explain things as simple as him holding his breath instead of just think he already knows that stuff.
Colton at swim lessons
We have also gone out to Cluffs a few times this summer and have had so much fun there.
Weldon swinging
Me on the swing with Weldon and Colton in the water
Kaci and I on a tube
one day I took the kids to feed the duck and the ducks must have been hungry because they came all the way out of the water and up next to our car for the bread. I thought the kids might have been afraid of them but they did just fine Kaci just held the bread really high to keep it safe from the ducks.
I was especially surprised how brave Kaci was with the ducks being right up in her face like that.
After feeding the ducks we went to the park and had so much fun there. This was Preston’s first time in a swing and he thought it was so much fun.
The day after it rained really good in the hills behind my parents’ house and the water ran down through their place we went out to play. This is about as wet as Kaci got. She refused to get in at all silly girl.
Colton in the flooded road
The ditch was running from all the rain water so Shane and Colton went down it like a water slide. Colton liked it so much that he wanted to go down it by himself. He was so brave and he did go down by himself but I didn’t get any pictures because I was too busy running along side him to make sure he didn’t go under. He had so much fun though that he was so sad when it was time to go home.
This is Kaci modeling some of Grandma Shurtz’s super cute jammies. She just woke up but I think she looks super cute anyway.
messy Cheetos face
such cute boys
One of my Prey Mantis’. I have four, each in a different planter. They are fun to watch. I have watched them get bigger every day and now they are almost two inches long. I think they are super cool and kinda cute!
Kaci found the sunscreen and decided to put it on like lotion. She was pretty greasy for a while, even after I wiped her off.
We went on a picnic and found a nice spot with a stream
Colton helping Kaci across. We didn’t bring swimming suits but that didn’t stop these two!
Preston was happy to stay on the blanked with the food
We had a good time and it was a nice little picnic
I thought this was a cute parting shot of Weldon and Kaci asleep in the chair.
I will try to do better about keeping things posted and up to date. Things are going great here. The kids are all happy and well and growing so fast. Last night Colton had kicked off his blankets and when I went in to fix them he was half awake and he said “Mom I just dreamed I was jumping around”, then he sighed and said, “It was so much fun” then he went back to sleep. It was cute. It reminded me that these years go so fast. I don’t hardly dream and more but when I do it isn’t about fun simple things like jumping around. Childhood is so sweet and innocent and it is fun to feel like I get to experience it again with my kids.