Friday, March 8, 2013

Favorite Things

I thought it would be fun to do a blog post on the things that are important to my kids right now and see how they change over the years.


(This is a picture of the kids helping me make “mud” with pudding, Oreos, and gummie worms. They always love helping me make something yummy!)



Colton’s favorite things are his “Jake and the Neverland Pirates” ship and Daddy’s iPad, and of course Kaci and Preston as well. He would play all day with the iPad if we would let him, he even dreams about it, usually that he is fighting with Kaci over it and he wakes up pretty mad. It is funny but also irritating because he wakes up yelling about it in the middle of the night, so we have to limit his time on it other wise he would just zombie out in front of it all day.  When not playing the iPad he flies his ship around and “pixie dusts” everything and has a lot of fun with that. It is cute to watch his imagination, especially when he gets Kaci involved and they run around the living room like they are flying.


Colton’s favorite colors are blue and green. When he talks about stuff he wants it is always a blue house, or a blue truck, and stuff like that, but he also says he likes green.

When Colton says his prayers at night he always prays for Daddy to get a better job, that Daddy will leave the iPad home from work for Colton to play with, and that he will be able to see Jesus in the Temple. Those are the three constants that he prays for and then there are other things that he will add in there to round it out. He also occasionally prays for a dog with spots, and sometimes that we can have chickens like grandma. I love to hear him say his sweet little prayers and I love that he reminds us every night that we need to pray. He sure is a good little boy.

Colton’s favorite songs are “Country Road” by John Denver and “I Love to See the Temple”. He is fun to hear sing and he loves to perform his songs. He is funny to listen to with these songs because he sings ‘Country ROAN take me home’ instead of ‘country road take me home’  and when he sings “I Love to See the Temple” he sings ‘I love to see the temple, I’m going there some day, to feel the holy spirit, to listen and to PLAY,” Rather then singing “to listen and to pray”. (No wonder he can’t wait to go to the temple if all people do in  there is play!!) He then continues to sing “I’ll prepare myself while I am young, this is my SECRET BEAUTY.” Instead of ‘sacred duty’. haha silly boy.

Colton also loves his family and wants to take care of every one. If Kaci thinks she needs something then often she will go to Colton to have him help her, especially if she thinks I will say no! And he is always so good, he will stop what he is doing and get her whatever she needs. He is also very concerned about Preston, and if Preston cries he will tell me that Preston is hungry and I need to feed him  some “yucky” milk.

Colton is a fun kid who always brings fun and excitement to our family, and we sure love him.



Kaci’s favorite things are her Bunny, her Binkie (what’s left of it) and her Baby. She needs Bunny and Binkie to sleep with and sometimes when I let her she sleeps with her Baby as well. I try to limit this because if I would let her I think that she would keep adding things to sleep with and she would run out of room for her on her bed. I love that out of all her dolls her favorite is little Berjessa, because Berjessa was my dolly that I got when I turned five from Grandma and Grandpa Shurtz. Kaci likes to take her to town with us and likes to bath with her. She rocks her and “feeds” her and even changes her diaper. I had to limit her to only using one wet wipe per changing because she was going through them too fast and then I wouldn’t have any for Preston. Sometimes Berjessa is naughty and Kaci will scold her and make her go sit on her bed. It is funny but at the same time makes me even more aware of how much my children are watching me and learning from the things I do.


Kaci’s favorite colors are pink and purple (what a girl) and every day she has to be wearing something that has pink on it or she just isn’t happy. Luckily for her wardrobe she is usually happy even if she just has pink on her underwear! Kaci recently learned all of her colors, and most of her shapes. I never really taught her anything so sometimes she surprises me when she says stuff like “I want the pink shirt with hearts on it” She talks so good too!

The other day I took her shopping with me because I needed some new shirts and she was so fun because when I would try something on she would say stuff like “I love that shirt Mama!” and “You need the pink one!” I did get a pink shirt and now every time I do laundry she tries to sneak it into her clothes pile because it is pink so in her mind it should be Kaci’s.

Kaci’s favorite songs are the same as Colton and she sings them the same way that she has heard him sing them, so it is fun to hear them singing them together. She also loves “the itsy bitsy spider” but when she wants this song she says she wants to sing ‘spider man’ so it took us a while to figure out what she was talking about. her other favorite songs are : Popcorn Popping, Slippery Fish, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and any other song that has movement. Her favorite church song is “I am a Child of God”.

When Kaci prays she also always prays for Daddy to get a better  job (its kind of a theme in our house right now). And she also prays every night that she will get married in the temple when she grows up. She is really into the whole getting married idea right now and says she wants to have music and dance when she gets married. I am not even sure where all of this get married stuff came from. It is cute to hear little two year old Kaci talking about getting married, but at the same time part of me wants to tell her to slow down and not grow up so fast because I am sure it will seem like just a few years before she really is grown up and getting married and I just want to enjoy these times while I can. I do think that it is funny though because Colton and Kaci think they want to marry each other. I think it just shows how much they really like each other and are good friends.

Kaci also loves her family and thinks the world of Colton, any idea that he has seems like a fun and good idea to her. She also tries to take care of Preston and likes to try and give him binkies. We sure love our sweet special girly little Kaci. She is lots of fun and adds so much to the family.



Well Preston likes to eat and sleep and loves any one who will send a smile his way. He is sure sweet. He is always happy and smiley and is super ticklish and laughs when he is tickled or played with. He loves his swing and takes his naps there most of the time. He has gotten so big lately, people comment on it all the time. He just turned three months old and he can wear some bigger 3-6 month clothes but fits more comfortably into 6-9 months and if there are feeties then 9 months for sure. At his two month Dr. Appointment he weight 15 pounds and one ounce and was in the 99% for his size. I am curious as to what he weighs now.


He is so much fun I love this stage with all of the cooing and smiles and giggles. It is just so fun and I wonder what we ever did before he got here. Seriously though, what did I do with all of my time!? We love him so much and he is always happy to give us a smile back and look at us with his pretty blue eyes. I also love his dark curly hair and I love how much hair he has. So much fun!!


He also loves being naked and taking his bath. Even when he was brand new he love his bath and loved splashing in the water. He gets so excited and wiggly in the tub that sometimes his little body can be pretty slippery. This picture is several months old because I am still bathing him in the sink and it has been a while since he has fit in the sink!!



I love my family. I love being able to stay home and spend time with these sweet little people and I am grateful for Weldon and all the had work he does to provide for us. My life is wonderful!!

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