Sunday, December 18, 2011

Five Wonderful Years

Last week was our fifth wedding anniversary. I can’t believe how fast it has gone. When I got married I thought I was so grown up and mature, so it is funny to look back at the pictures and realize that I was still just a kid, I am sure that several years from now I will look back to now and think the same thing. I remember the morning we got married, I was so excited and nervous and terrified that Weldon would change his mind and not show up. We got married in the Mesa temple and Weldon and his family went over a few nights before, but my family had to wake up early that morning to drive over. On the way it seemed like we were driving so fast but the speedometer said we were following the speed limit, but every one else must have been going so slow because we were passing every one. It took us a little while to figure out that the speedometer was broken and we were really driving about 95 mph down the road. I am just glad we didn’t get pulled over! Oh well, it just got me that much closer to Weldon in less time!

Randa and Weldon's Wedding Pictures 201

Randa and Weldon's Wedding Pictures 173

Randa and Weldon's Wedding Pictures 023

It was a wonderful day. I was so excited to be married to Weldon. It has been the best decision I have ever made. He is truly my best friend and he makes me laugh every day. I am so lucky to be able to be with him for ever.

It was funny because a few days after we got married we went down to the court house to turn in our marriage certificate so they could record it and they realized that the dates didn’t match up so they couldn’t record our marriage until we got that fixed. We had to call the temple and have them send something to the court house saying we really did get married. The crazy thing was that our marriage certificate was going to expire in a few days. I always wondered if they weren’t able to fix the dates if we would have had to have a quick wedding at the court house just so we could be legally married as well as eternally married! Luckily everything worked out just fine, but it would have been a good story.

Here we are now, five years later and still happy and in love!


To celebrate our anniversary we went on a family date for lunch. I think Colton and Kaci enjoyed it and felt special because they never get to go to a sit down place to eat. It was fun. Later that night we rented a movie and just hung out as a family. I am so glad that we got married and were able to have such wonderful children.

Here we are on our “date” waiting for our food.



1 comment:

  1. Aaahhh! Happy Anniversary guys! You should make some more cute kids and give them to Auntie! Haha! They are doll babies.
