Friday, December 23, 2011

Oh My Sweet Kids!

I love Colton and Kaci so much, they are so sweet and wonderful and fun to be around. They make me laugh every day and I wonder what I ever did with out them. Here are some funny things that they have done recently.

Kaci made me laugh the other day because she needed more shoes so I took her to Wal-mart to get some. I tried a pair on her and they fit, so I took them off and put them in the basket. She started crying and flopping a little so I thought maybe she wanted to hold them. I gave them to her but she was still crying, then she held out her foot and was trying to put the shoes on so I just put one shoe on, and just let the other dangle from the string all the way through the store. When we got to the cashier I had to take them off again to pay for them and she was so mad about that. I just thought that if she is already obsessed with shoes and she is only a year old then she is going to be insane about them as a teenage girl!! She also took her first few steps on Wednesday and we are so excited for her. She is excited too, she is funny because she gets really excited and she just laughs and laughs at herself with every step. She also makes really goofy faces and has the biggest, cheesiest smile ever!!


Kaci’s new shoes

I need to get some pictures of her trying to walk. I took some earlier, but for some reason they turned out blurry. Here is one where she is giving her goofy grin even though it’s blurry.


Colton is so silly and fun to be around all of the time. He is so sweet and helpful and always gives Kaci ANYTHING she wants, sometimes this is nice, sometimes it’s not so helpful, but he tries so hard. A few days ago he was so cute, Kaci was in her highchair eating and she literally threw everything on the floor and made a huge mess. She had food on and in her clothes so I got her out and took her in the other room to change her. While I was cleaning her up I could hear Colton running around and getting into something, when I came back into the kitchen to clean it up I saw that Colton had gotten the broom and dustpan out of the hall closet and he was busy sweeping up the mess in the kitchen. He is just so sweet like that all of the time, he wants to help in any way he can and he tries to think of things he can to do help. He even likes to go up the steps on the porch first so that he can put out his hand and hold mine to help ME up the stairs. What a cutie, I sure am proud of my kids. Oh, another thing he did the other night, It was in the middle of the night and he was talking in his sleep, he mumbled a little and then said "please bless Kaci, Amen" it was so funny, Weldon and I giggled a little at that.


Here he is trying to sweep up the kitchen.

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