Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Kids are Hilarious!!

So I don’t have any pictures for this post, these are just funny things that the kids have done this week.

On Sunday we were walking out of church and Colton was saying something about him being ‘Colton Bear’, and Kaci being ‘Kaci Bugs’, and I said “and I am Mama” he looked at me and very seriously said “ yeah, you’re a big Mama!!” I don’t know if he was referring to my being a grown up or to my Whale sized pregnant self at the moment but either way I laughed really hard, now I have to refer to my self as one big Mama!

That same day, just a few minutes later when we reached the car there was a big nasty green caterpillar right by Kaci’s car door. I was holding her hand and stopped to show her the caterpillar. Kaci is very worried about snakes, and in the past when we have seen millipedes she has freaked out and wanted to be held to be kept safe from the ‘snakes’, so I guess I was expecting a similar reaction to the caterpillar but I was amazed when my prissy little girl acted fast as lightning and stomped on the caterpillar in her sparkly church shoes. I cant believe how fast her little foot moved!! Then she kept saying “Yucky bug! Don’t touch it!”

About Wednesday this week Colton was in the bathroom and he flushed the toilet about three times which sometimes means that he is just flushing lots of toilet paper down the toilet which is what I suspect happened, but when I went to stop him I couldn’t tell for sure if he had or not so I didn’t say any thing. A few hours later Colton went to the bathroom so when he was done I went in to see if he needed any help and I flushed the toilet, which started to over flow. I ran to the other bathroom and grabbed the plunger and while I was trying to get it unclogged I was frustrated and I started lecturing Colton on why he can’t put so much toilet paper down the toilet because it makes a big mess and so on, to which he replied “I not make a mess!! YOU make a mess!!” That made me stop and think, I guess to his almost-four-year-old logic it was me who made the mess, after all I was the one who put toilet paper in it and flushed it the time that it overflowed. It was funny to think of it that way and it helped me not be mad at him.

Also speaking of toilets, Kaci is completely potty trained now, and I can’t really take any credit for it because she pretty much did it all by herself. She tells me if she needs to go potty, and will even wake up in the middle of the night and call me if she needs to go. She wears her big girl underwear everywhere and so far things are going great. I can’t believe it!! she is not even two yet and she is potty trained, I was planning on waiting until after the baby came, but she hated her diapers so bad and would take them off and we would find her with some of Colton’s underwear from the hamper and she would be trying to get them on so she could have underwear too! So we just went with it and got her some of here own and she loves them and picked up on the whole concept of keeping them dry really fast. I am ridiculously proud of her for being such a big girl!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! What fun memories you all are making. Colton is such a smartie! I cannot believe how big he is getting. And what a good girl Kaci is! So fun!
